

Configure the authentification with Sidebase Auth.
You can check out the official Sidebase Auth documentation for more information.

Application URL

Before configuring the authentification, you need to set the NUXT_APP_URL environment variable in your .env file. For exemple in development, you can set the URL to http://localhost:3000.


Auth Secret environment variable

To configure the authentification with Sidebase Auth, you need to set the NUXT_AUTH_SECRET environment variable in your .env file.


You can generate a secret key using openssl CLI with the following command:

openssl rand -base64 33

Or use this this online tool to generate a secret key

Auth Origin

For production only, you also need to set the AUTH_ORIGIN environment variable in your .env file.


Google Provider

To enable the Google provider, you need to set the NUXT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and NUXT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables in your .env file.


Get the Google Client ID and Client Secret

  • Go to the Google Developers Console.
  • Create a new project or select an existing project.
  • Go to the Credentials tab.
  • Click on Create credentials and select OAuth client ID.
  • Select Web application as the application type.
  • Add your authorized JavaScript origins and redirect URIs.
    • Authorized JavaScript origins is your {NUXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL}
      • For exemple: http://localhost:3000
    • Authorized redirect URIs is your {NUXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL}/api/auth/callback/google
      • For exemple: http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/google
  • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and paste them into your .env file.